Platten(bau)romantik Vol.II: DJ-Workshops and Party

Platten(bau)romantik goes in to its second round! Overall seven events are awaiting you: five workshops and two parties.

Every second Wednesday in March and April you can learn digital and analog dj skills in our workshops. You don’t need any previos knowledge.

Two of the workshops are only for women, lesbians, inter, non-binary or trans people, to create a safe space for people discriminated in patriarchy and often put at a disadvantage in cultural spaces.

01/03/2023, 07:00-11:00 pm
(led by DJ Workshops Jena)
15/03/2023 (FLINTA* only), 07:00-11:00 pm
(led by Cynthia Mattisse)
29/03/2023,07:00-11:00 pm
(led by DJ Workshops Jena)
12/04/2023 (FLINTA* only), 07:00-11:00 pm
(led by Cynthia Mattisse)
26/04/2023, 07:00-11:00 pm
(led by DJ Workshops Jena)

At the parties the djs will make music only analog. Entrance will be between 6-8€ and an awareness team will be at your disposal.

Party #1
25/03/2023, 23:00-05:00 Uhr
Cynthia Mattisse (Metaware, Weimar)
DJ Annita (GEM, Leipzig)
Sound Society GmbH (AROMA+/ TKKG, Jena)
Party #2
22/04/2023, 23:00-05:00 Uhr

Noctua. (Existénce/KFPNYX, Erfurt)
Illousion (IfZ/Nebula, Leipzig)
Namlitt (Nebula, Leipzig)

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

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