

  • Program July
  • Program June 2024
  • Program May 2024

    It’s getting warm, the patio is whitewashed and freshly planted and it’s time to sit outside again in the good weather!
    We have a few great events planned where we can get together. Take a look at the program and come by!

  • Program April
  • March Program 2024

    Spring is coming! The sun is shining and our terrace becomes cozy again. Come by and check out our program.

    We are very happy to welcome the Forum Theatre on the 24th of march in our rooms who will fill the night discussing societal topics in a creative way. The theatre will be in English!


  • Program July
  • Program June 2024
  • 3 Years Emils Ecke

    Celebrate 3 years of Emils Ecke with us! You can look forward to tasty treats from the barbecue from 5 pm and from 7 pm we’ll have lots of fun together again at the karaoke and the open stage. Afterwards you can dance with us to the Emils Ecke crew’s favourite songs.
    You are also welcome to come along the next day for the clean-up so that Emils Ecke remains such a great place!

  • Our bar and café night

    Every Friday we open our doors from 5-10pm for you. The bar is open with drinks for litttle money though in Emils Ecke there is no compulsory consumption. That means you can also bring your own drinks if you like. We give out dart and table tennis supplies if you ask.

  • Program May 2024

    It’s getting warm, the patio is whitewashed and freshly planted and it’s time to sit outside again in the good weather!
    We have a few great events planned where we can get together. Take a look at the program and come by!

  • Stage magic in Jena: Forum theater project brings people together

    The magic of the stage: the stage becomes an arena for dialog: A unique forum theater project conquers Thuringia and invites people with and without a migration background to stage life’s conflict situations together. Everyday conflicts are brought to life on stage. People from a wide variety of backgrounds courageously take on roles in order to enter into a creative exchange with the audience. The Forum theater project not only creates captivating productions, but also space for joint reflection and action.

    From schools to cafés: with 32 successful performances, the Forum theater project has conquered the diversity of Thuringia. From schools and multi-generational houses to cosy cafés and established theaters – everywhere the stage became a place of dialog. The audience was actively involved in finding solutions together and strengthening cooperation.

    Emil’s Ecke is calling: Welcome! The journey of the Forum Theater Project culminates in Jena. In the well-known Emil’s Ecke you can experience live how the stage becomes a mirror of our society. You are very welcome to immerse yourself in the world of Forum Theater and join us for an evening full of creativity, dialogue and community spirit.

    Date/Location: 24.03.2024 | Emil’s Ecke, Emil-Wölk-Straße 5, 07747 Jena
    The performance will be in English.
    Admission free of charge!

    Author: Syuzanna Fiberg from ZLG Zusammen-Leben-Gestalten e.V.

  • Ansole: Africa Day 2023

    You’re invited to our intercultural event that celebrates Africa Day 2023. It’s on Saturday, 9th December, from 5pm to 10pm, at Emil’s Corner, which is at 5 Emil-Wölk-Straße in Jena. It’s free to come in!

    We’ve planned an exciting program featuring four presentations that will provide insights into the diverse cultures throughout Africa. Our speakers will talk about the past and inhabitants of different African countries, as well as their conventional music, dance, and food.

    Furthermore, we will get to experience African culture through music, dance, and cuisine. You can taste authentic dishes from a local caterer and listen to live musical performances that display the rhythmic tunes of Africa. Everyone is welcome to join in the dancing!

    It’s going to be a fun and engaging event for everyone interested in Africa, whether you’re familiar with it or not. Bring your loved ones to experience the African culture celebration.

    Be there with us on December 9th from 5-10pm at Emil’s Corner. You can learn something new while enjoying the festivities with others. Please share this invite with those who might be interested. We’re looking forward to your presence!

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