El Open Stage (FLINTA only)

On December 16th the Open Stage returns. A space where you can share your music, poesy or similar things with a friendly crowd. Presenting something has its perks: you get a free drink! Whilest regular visitors are asked for an entrance fee of 2€. This time the open stage will be FLINTA only. FLINTA is … Read more

Free Counselling Service

Social counseling starts! Every Tuesday, 4 to 7 p.m., in the conference room of Emil’s Corner (use the barrier-free side entrance!). Advice is given on ALG2, Wohngeld, Kur applications, objection notices and on determining a GdB according to the law on severe disabilities. The consultation is free of charge! You can simply drop by or … Read more

Program November

Sorry, for now we have the program only in German. In the future there will be a translated version aswell. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to contact us.


Next Saturday there is gonna be party at Emils Ecke again. From techno to dancehall the music will be divers. Come by and dance off the stress of the week! When? 5th November, 9 pm – 04 amEntrance fee? 3€

El Open Stage

Humorists, musicians, poets, professionals or debutants. It doesn’t matter! We welcome you all. Drums, guitar, cajon, keys, microphones etc. are provided. 🎤🎹🎸 On the 28th of October 18:00 o’clockEmil-Wölk-Str. 5,Lobeda General: 2€ admissionFor artists: Free admission + 2 drinks

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