
African End of Year and Afrobeats-Party with Dancing Workshop

Afrodance Workshop mit Vivi (IG: @sheezlo) I was always so much in love with Afrobeats music and I felt the strong urge to not only learn the dance styles from the roots, but to find out what’s behind all these trending moves. That’s how my Afrodance journey started in Ghana 3 years ago. Since then I revisited many times, always staying for several months each time, mainly learning from DWP Academy, Iamazonto and different street dancers. I kept falling more and more in love with the people, the dance culture and everything around it. That’s why my style is deeply rooted in Azonto, a dance and music genre from the coastal side of Ghana. Afrodance is based on community, exchange and support. That’s why in this workshop we will practice some grooves and steps, look at their historical and cultural background and put them together to vibe with each other. The best way to warm up for the party afterwards! Both, beginners and experienced dancers are welcome.

Programm November 2024



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  • Program February

    There’s a lot going on in Emil’s corner this February. Come along and check it out!

  • Program January 2025
  • Afrobeats- and End-of-Year-Party with Ansole

    Afrodance Workshop mit Vivi (IG: @sheezlo)

    I was always so much in love with Afrobeats music and I felt the strong urge to not only learn the dance styles from the roots, but to find out what’s behind all these trending moves. That’s how my Afrodance journey started in Ghana 3 years ago. Since then I revisited many times, always staying for several months each time, mainly learning from DWP Academy, Iamazonto and different street dancers. I kept falling more and more in love with the people, the dance culture and everything around it. That’s why my style is deeply rooted in Azonto, a dance and music genre from the coastal side of Ghana. Afrodance is based on community, exchange and support. That’s why in this workshop we will practice some grooves and steps, look at their historical and cultural background and put them together to vibe with each other. The best way to warm up for the party afterwards! Both, beginners and experienced dancers are welcome

  • Program December 2024
  • Program October 2024
  • Program September 2024

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