Next Saturday there is gonna be party at Emils Ecke again. From techno to dancehall the music will be divers. Come by and dance off the stress of the week! When? 5th November, 9 pm – 04 amEntrance fee? 3€
Next Saturday there is gonna be party at Emils Ecke again. From techno to dancehall the music will be divers. Come by and dance off the stress of the week! When? 5th November, 9 pm – 04 amEntrance fee? 3€
Humorists, musicians, poets, professionals or debutants. It doesn’t matter! We welcome you all. Drums, guitar, cajon, keys, microphones etc. are provided. 🎤🎹🎸 On the 28th of October 18:00 o’clockEmil-Wölk-Str. 5,Lobeda General: 2€ admissionFor artists: Free admission + 2 drinks
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