Our bar and café night

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Every Friday we open our doors from 5-10pm for you. The bar is open with drinks for litttle money though in Emils Ecke there is no compulsory consumption. That means you can also bring your own drinks if you like. We give out dart and table tennis supplies if you ask.

Program May 2024

It’s getting warm, the patio is whitewashed and freshly planted and it’s time to sit outside again in the good weather!We have a few great events planned where we can get together. Take a look at the program and come by!

Stage magic in Jena: Forum theater project brings people together

The magic of the stage: the stage becomes an arena for dialog: A unique forum theater project conquers Thuringia and invites people with and without a migration background to stage life’s conflict situations together. Everyday conflicts are brought to life on stage. People from a wide variety of backgrounds courageously take on roles in order … Read more

March Program 2024

Spring is coming! The sun is shining and our terrace becomes cozy again. Come by and check out our program. We are very happy to welcome the Forum Theatre on the 24th of march in our rooms who will fill the night discussing societal topics in a creative way. The theatre will be in English!

Ansole: Africa Day 2023

plakat ansole africa day

You’re invited to our intercultural event that celebrates Africa Day 2023. It’s on Saturday, 9th December, from 5pm to 10pm, at Emil’s Corner, which is at 5 Emil-Wölk-Straße in Jena. It’s free to come in! We’ve planned an exciting program featuring four presentations that will provide insights into the diverse cultures throughout Africa. Our speakers … Read more

Let Lobeda shine!

The Christmas neighbourhood festival 13.12.2023 | Wednesday | 4 pm | Admission free Twinkling lights, Christmas treats, a variety of hands-on and creative activities: As the 13th door in “Lobeda’s living Advent calendar”, together with many friends and cooperation partners, we invite all children and their families to spend a few hours with us in … Read more

Solidarity letter from the Jena student clubs for the University Action Day on 20.11.23

Aufruf zum Streik

The 20th November is university action day and strike! The student clubs Rosenkeller, Café Wagner and Emils Ecke in Jena would like to show solidarity with the demands of the employees of Friedrich Schiller University, Ernst Abbe University and the Studierendenwerk and are taking part in the strike. You can find a solidarity letter in … Read more

Forum Theatre

After the premiere of our Forum Theatre Group 2022 in Jena, we are happy to finally be back in town.Come to Emil’s Ecke, watch scenes from real life, discuss with us and find new, creative ideas to reframe them.With our group we deal with different conflicts and experiences of discrimination from our society. In doing … Read more

Two Years of Emils Ecke

That’s something to be celebrated!! 29.09.2023, ab 16 Uhr, free entrance Actually it has already been more than two years. On july 16th 2021 we opened our doors to the fresh rooms of the new neighborhood center and students club. Since then a lot happened. Come by on september the 29th and celebrate with us … Read more

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