We are open!
The Emil5 e.V. association openend Emils Ecke, a student club at Emil-Wölk-Str. 5 in July 2021. The former „Schmiede“ has been empty for a long time, but now we will be creating a place for students and other people in the district. Emils Ecke will be a place for culture, getting to know each other, cosy bar evenings and your ideas!
If you are interested in taking part in our activities, let us now via email or come round during our opening hours!
If you aren’t sure, have any questions, or if you would like to give us some feedback, feel free to write an email as well or come around.
Your email doesn’t need to be in German. Choose the language that suits you best and we will try to have it translated in order to answer your questions.
Mail: kontakt@emils-ecke.org
We are looking forward to meeting you!
- Programm März 2025
- Programm FebruarDiesen Februar ist viel los in Emils Ecke. Kommt vorbei und checkt es aus!
- Programm Januar 2025Das Monatsprogramm für Januar ist da ✨ Wir starten das neue Jahr ganz entspannt in Emils Ecke 🙂
- Programm Dezember
- Afrobeats-Party und afrikanische Ende des Jahres-Feier mit AnsoleAfrodance-Workshop mit Vivi (IG: @sheezlo) Ich war schon immer so verliebt in Afrobeats-Musik und verspürte den starken Drang, nicht nur die Tanzstile von … Weiterlesen